Are cold emails getting you nowhere? In this guide to financial email marketing, you’ll learn the basics and how to close prospective clients after your first-touch point.
Ready to triple your response rate? Let’s get started.
Email marketing for financial advisors
Financial advisors often neglect their email marketing strategies. They send quarterly assessments and monthly reports on the state of the market. That’s it.
Many opportunities exist to connect with new prospective clients and reconnect with prospects who weren’t ready to commit immediately through an automated email strategy.
Businesses in the financial sector need email marketing to reach these customers, grow brand awareness to develop trust, and gently remind them that you haven’t forgotten their initial inquiry.
Welcome emails / lead nurturing emails
Automated lead nurturing emails are one of the most valuable marketing strategies as they set the tone of the business relationship. Before you pump promotions and newsletters into a prospect’s inbox, continue the initial discussion from your first contact.
Provide helpful information to guide them from “not quite ready” to “ready to commit!” For example,
- Send a checklist. If your client isn’t sure what assets they need to prepare for an advisor, a simple list could make all the difference.
- Send an introduction video from their dedicated advisor. Make them comfortable with the individual handling their money.
- Send an onboarding packet. Set expectations and let them know the step-by-step process and timeline associated with each step.
These lead-grooming emails encourage action that helps move prospects down the sales funnel without sounding pushing.
Still haven’t heard back from them?
Establish regular check-ins (without getting on their nerves).
Email lists
Before sending off a templated email to everyone and making things too generic, set up various email lists and email chains dedicated to each one. One for prospects indicating a commitment and another for those not ready to sign.
You need to have segments for your subscribers, leads, and customers. These are your lifecycle segments and help you see where your contacts are in your funnel. Your lifecycle segments are valuable not just for deciding who to email but for clarifying who not to email. For example, If you create a lead nurture offer that should only go out to your leads, you’d want to exclude anyone who is a customer. – HubSpot
Next day follow-up
You’ve made introductions and want to touch base afterward. You’ll need two types of templated emails here.
- A follow-up to sign from the “committed” prospects and
- A follow-up to state that you understand that the “not readies” aren’t ready to sign, but you are here to assist them on their journey regardless.
Your “committed prospects” should receive regular (but not daily) reminders.
Automated 1-, 2-, 3- week follow-up
Let’s be real—people get busy and forget.
Your “committed prospects” should receive regular (but not daily) reminders. The point is to make them feel appreciated, not to spam their inboxes to complete a sale.
Your “not quite” prospects should not receive these emails. They already indicated they weren’t ready. Give them time to get there.
Automated monthly follow-ups
The following automated emails should be sent at various intervals: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year.
Don’t be pushy!
- 1-month email: Send a reminder of a few ways to prepare.
- 3-month email: Follow up to see if they have any preparation questions.
- 6-month email: Check in on their progress.
- 1-year email: Check their progress and see if they are ready to schedule a call.
After the one-year mark, set touch points to once per year to ensure they haven’t forgotten you and that—no matter how long it has been since your first conversation—you are still committed to their financial success when they are ready.
Newsletter examples
Newsletters are great for informing subscribers about company news, industry trends, and other useful information.
- Industry news and trends: Providing uninfluenced financial information establishes your company’s authority. These emails add value and relevance, increasing your contacts’ trust in you and encouraging them to open emails from you in the future.
- Company news and updates: Sharing company news with followers can foster community and engagement. Send them to your site for the full announcement.
- Educational content: How-to guides, tutorials, and best practices can make your brand a valuable resource for subscribers. Embed these downloads on your website.
Promotional emails
Promotional email marketing aims to sell a product or service. Given the nature of the financial industry, advisors may or may not be able to execute these strategies.
Subscriber deals
While these emails boost sales and brand loyalty, advisors don’t generally offer “50% off” or “buy 1, get 1” specials.
New products & services
Emailing new services can excite subscribers and encourage purchases. If you’ve added a new program, system, or even a team member, let your potential clients know about it.
Limited-time offers
These urgent messages can motivate users to buy. Advisors need to be careful here to avoid violating any compliance regulations.
Instead of “invest now!” strategies, focus on time-sensitive information that keeps your potential client in the know and let them know you value this budding relationship.
- Send out announcements about new stocks on the market. Keep it short and sweet. Include a link to discuss investment opportunities, but don’t make the email all about sales.
- Address trending news stories to clear away the noise of influenced financial “gurus” to demonstrate your upfront and honest approach.
The sad goodbye
If, after all this time, the prospect is non-responsive, isn’t a good fit, or you no longer wish to pursue them, it’s time for a breakup.
Break-up emails are the final communication you will have with a lead that will be made clear in the email.
The goal is to keep these leads engaged, but if you’ve been met by crickets, it’s time to let go.
Which strategy is right for you?
There are many factors in determining the best email marketing strategies for financial advisors. Ultimately, it comes down to understanding your brand pillars, values, and the types of clients you’re trying to pursue.
Email marketing helps businesses engage with customers when approached the right way. Companies can better connect with consumers through lead-nurturing emails, newsletters, and promotional emails.
If you’re ready to begin your first real nurturing email campaign, schedule a call so we can get started.