Grow Your Financial Lending or Investment Firm through your Website

In the world of commercial lending, reputation is essential, and it’s becoming almost vital to support that reputation with a well-crafted, engaging website. Search engines like Google will rank your private lending or advising business search results according to your website’s quality and relevance. If your online presence isn’t managed correctly, you are potentially missing out on innumerable business opportunities.

Here are some critical tips to help grow your commercial lending business through your website.

Creating the Right Website for You

Look for website creation platforms that are both user-friendly and easily customizable. Popular platforms like WordPress (hint: Harford Designs only uses this one!) offer a diverse selection of free website templates, but some more advanced themes may cost extra.

With that said, developing a truly unique and creative website can sometimes be a challenge without knowledge of HTML or other coding languages. It’s often well worth the investment to trust in website development specialists to do the work.

Letting professionals handle building your website will free up a lot of time and labor for you to focus on more important things. Website developers have plenty of experience navigating the intricacies of optimizing your website for search engine results, adding relevant tags or meta-descriptions, and ensuring your branding is consistent throughout all your content.

And working with someone with almost a decade’s experience in financial branding will give you a leg up.

Create Engaging, SEO Driven Website Content

Quality driven, relevant written content will keep visitors to your website coming back for more because they trust the information provided, making them more likely to consider a loan from you instead of the competition.

Search engines like Google are comprised of algorithms that prefer websites with informative and original content such as how-to blogs or descriptive service pages. Optimize this content with Search Engine Optimized keywords to help Google correlate your commercial lending website to what people are searching for.

To further connect with prospects, insert geo-specific keywords into blog posts to generate leads from a particular target community, city, or state.

Take Advantage of Metrics

Evaluating metrics with Google Analytics offers some valuable insights into your website traffic and visitor activity.

By analyzing your blog posts’ performances or other content on your website, you can more easily find areas that need improvement or expand upon the material that’s already performing well.

Resources like Google Analytics or AdWords makes it easy to identify the most popular keywords being used to locate commercial lending businesses like yours.

You can examine your “bounce rate” metrics or the ratio of visitors to your website view only one page before leaving. Utilizing the tools to organize your online visitor data is vital to growing your commercial lending business through your website.

Incorporate Social Media Networking into Your Website

Use Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to quickly engage customers with daily updates, promotions, or other content.
These platforms help generate free word-of-mouth advertising, generate fresh leads and keep in touch with those already interested in your services.

You can broaden your audience and build a stronger reputation by connecting with customers across multiple, interconnected social media accounts.

It’s important to ensure your social media accounts are all linked back to your website home page to generate more traffic.

While we understand you handle the client-side of your business and social media is likely the last thing on your list of to-dos with pending loan or settlement dates, these tools should not be neglected. Consider hiring a professional to cover this side of the business. Social media management can run from $500–1500, depending on the amount of work required.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile

Ensuring your website is correctly supported across mobile devices and tablets will maximize your reach to more commercial clients.
Include mobile-optimized widgets on your website to make it easy for visitors to contact you if they are using a smartphone or add one-click webchat assistance to support frequently asked questions or other self-service features.

Having a mobile-optimized website makes it easy for your clients to seamlessly transition between PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone when accessing your website.

C3 Visionary Strategies Website Mockup - Solid Background

Incorporate these tips into your online marketing strategy to gain more momentum growing your commercial lending business. Building a successful website capable of driving a company forward takes time and dedication.

If you are seeking assistance with creating a perfect website to represent your business, contact us at Harford Designs.

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